transformative '25 - Welcome to a year focused on profound societal transformation.
We have the chance to evolve into a way of life in accordance with nature. This requires profound social and societal transformations. transformative '25 offers you all you need to do this.
We are living in a unique moment in history. Amid the crises we are facing, we have the chance to rebuild our societies. We can shape humanity in accordance with nature and leave the millennia-old polarity of man vs. nature behind. In fact, all our crises—the ecological, political, and social—are the gateways to this new humanity.
But this will not happen by chance. It requires a conscious decision to do whatever it takes to realize this opportunity.
Wisdom is required to understand and properly use the situation. It takes courage, willingness, and determination to step away from familiar paths and forge one’s own route. We will need collaborative efforts that differ from what we are accustomed to. Another crucial requirement is committed work on oneself. If there is one particular demand that this moment places on us, it is this: to be willing and able to change everything in our lives and surpass our own limits. We stand to gain beyond what we can currently imagine: a far-reaching sense of agency and a vibrant life.
The four basic elements
To realize our full transformational power, we have to understand four elements:
Consciousness and the sense of connectedness with oneself: As humans we are constantly evolving and changing, and the level of both defines our ability to influence and change the world around us. This inner growth isn't accidental, it follows a blueprint. If we understand this, we can consciously shape ourselves.
The connection between our individual consciousness and society: The society we build around us shapes the way we grow. It defines possibilities and barriers in evolving into a new consciousness. We need to understand this dynamic as it guides the transformation of both ourselves and society.
The principles and paradigms that govern our society: If we want to truly transform any social structure, we need to understand what governs it. If we do not, any attempt will fail. If we do, we have the key to far-reaching transformations.
The art of transformation: There are basic concepts to create those far-reaching transformations, like working from the inside or working with paradigms. Those concepts can be properly understood only when the first three aspects have been mastered.
My goal: your agency
Over the course of this year, I will deliver everything you need to know in order to transform our world profoundly, including:
a grounding philosophy and understanding,
a method for carrying out work on yourself and developing the necessary capacities of your consciousness,
in-depth analysis of current affairs and their underlying dynamics and paradigms,
in-depth analysis of what lies ahead and how to use it to change the world fundamentally,
an introduction to the art of transformation.
This will cover all the four basic elements mentioned above.
My aim: a global movement
I aim to create a global, self-organized movement that rebuilds our societies based on the paradigms of agency and interconnectedness, so that humanity can live in accordance with nature.
What you get
Over the course of one week, you will receive four different publications that cover various subjects:
We will start the week on Monday with on unfamiliar ground. It offers you a short prompt to reflect and to broaden your view.
the democracy letters arrives on Wednesdays, giving you in-depth reflection on our current societal situation, focusing on how to create a truly democratic democracy.
the economic letters covers all economic topics every Friday and asks how we can rebuild our economies to restore our communities and regenerate nature.
On Sunday, there will be a weekend edition of on unfamiliar ground, which will give you everything you need to work successfully with yourself and to gain the impact you need to achieve the change you seek. This is personal, hands-on, and methodical.
What we will cover
These are just a few of the topics that we will cover over the year:
on unfamiliar ground: Fundamental principles, the art of transformation, empowering yourself, embracing what's there, opening to the unknown, setting directions, the journey, taking nature into account, working with groups, working with places, working with what's there.
on unfamiliar ground, weekend: Empowering yourself, ways to evolve, how to work, your aim, healing, along the journey, working, self-transformation, leading others, inviting unheard perspectives, facilitation.
the democratic letters: The current situation, basic paradigms, our heritage, what we have to deal with, the goal: agency, what agency means, key pathways for transformation, aspects of the new, how to get there.
the economy letters: Main drivers and paradigms, economy as a servant, ways to go and transform the economy.
What you get as paid subscriber
If you are looking to do truly transformational work, you should become a paid subscriber. While the content that's accesible for everyone gives you prompts and reflections, as a paid subscriber you get everything you need to uncover and realize your transformational potential, to deeply understand our current situation, and to find the right levers and methods, and ways to use them accordingly.
You will have access to
the weekend edition, which delivers in-depth inspiration and information for your journey on unfamiliar ground and into your potential.
the democracy letters with new perspectives on our current situation and the knowledge you need to have to build true democratic communities.
And you can take part in our monthly calls, which provide a safe space for everyone to raise personal viewpoints and explore the most pressing questions.
Be part of the movement! And unleash your true power. Subscribe now!
Now is the time and the possibility is here. So let's take it.
It’s time to act, to act with impact. And I want you to be able to realize your potential. That’s what the world needs, what it deserves, and what you deserve. Are you ready for unfamiliar ground?