The concious universe is here to support us
Our universe is conscious. If we understand and operate from this perspective, we will unlock our true transformational power.
Do plants have consciousness?
There are roughly two schools of thought. The first one looks at the apparatus of our consciousness and says that consciousness is only possible for those with a mind and a brain. So, it exists to various degrees only among mammals.
The second school looks for the function of consciousness and its expression: acquiring, processing, storing, and acting on information from the environment. In this understanding, consciousness is about making informed decisions. From this perspective, we can say that plants do have consciousness. We can find all those aspects of cognition in a plant’s life. We can find it at all levels of life: from the interaction between atoms to the whole world we live in, called Gaia.1
Do plants have consciousness? This question points to one finding: whether the universe is conscious or not is not a question of truth or proof. It is simply a matter of your own consciousness. We can find consciousness at every level of life. But only if we are able or willing to see it. You may have significant resistance to the idea of a conscious universe, and this reveals something about your mind and the premises under which you operate.
Eastern spiritual practices teach us that there is a fundamental awareness, a boundless consciousness. Western traditions of contemplation do the same. Only science tells us that spirituality and science are two distinct worlds that should be kept separate. That's why, from the perspective of a materialistic science, a conscious universe might be absurd. It lies far beyond the boundaries that govern the sciences.
Our universe is conscious.
If we start understanding transformation from this premise, a few central conditions will change.
a) Our place as humans is different: we are not the crown of creation as we might see ourselves. We are merely one expression of an infinite intelligence, inseparably connected with everything around us, which equally forms a part and an expression of this intelligence
b) Our role is neither that of the ruler who controls nature nor that of the steward of nature. Infinite intelligence is constantly evolving. With our brain embedded in our body, this complex and dynamic supporter of our consciousness, we are actively participating in this intelligence. In a certain way, we are midwives for an ongoing transformation and dynamic that we do not shape, determine, or initiate.
c) We have to work differently. Consciousness is a powerful tool. We can see its power in the destruction we, as humans, can create globally. We must understand and use it properly to be fruitful and not destroy ourselves.
d) The universe is here to support us. Our situation as humans may be challenging; it is inextricable for more than a few. If we are willing to step into the place in the universe that really belongs to us, if we align with the Infinite Intelligence we are part of, we will have everything we need to change our situation: guidance, clarity, willpower, and finally, the path.
Our universe is conscious. What does that do to you?
Theise, N. (2023) Notes on Complexity: Life, Consciousness, and Meaning in a Self-Organizing Universe.
Thanks for this.
I agree that our universe is conscious even though I don’t quite understand the depth of our universe(s) nor what conscience means is beyond my limited awareness of reality.
But that the fun of life, right? We try to use words and concepts to explain phenomena that are better felt and experienced through meditation and presence, and sometimes, art.
In other words, we have the capacity to be fully conscient (or empty) but are stuck in ‘crowns of creation’ as you call them.
I like your expression of ‘infinite intelligence’. It’s similar to emptiness or nirvana as an ultimate state of being.
What that your posting do to me?
There are familiar concepts with some open ended questions to ponder.
As with any spiritual discourse, words have limits but at least they invite us to suspend some of our assumptions and see how what resonates, not in our rational minds, but elsewhere in our being.
Maybe we are ‘midwives for an ongoing transformation and dynamic that we do not shape, determine, or initiate’.
I like your suggestions that understanding (or accepting) transformation has the potential to change everything. We are constantly evolving.
Personally I resist thinking of consciousness as a tool but i think I know what you means
I also resist the idea that ‘universe is here to support us’, which seems anthropocentric.
What if we were simply insignificant.
Highly intelligent for a very short period of time but insignificant in this vast universe of universes?
How would this kind of infinite humility help us step into our place in the universe?
Where nothing actually ‘belongs to us’ and that we become a species whose path is infinitely humble but present in that conscious universe?
How then would consciousness help guide us future forward?
Would we not simply stop trying so hard to be intelligent and just be?