We are amidst a great opportunity.

We can rebuild our societies, restore our communities, and regenerate nature. It’s not either or. It’s the three together. We must face our situation genuinely, understand what is in front of us, and know what we must do. And than act.

And if you want to act with impact: join!

About me

My name is Gabriel Fehrenbach. I'm a facilitator of heart. At the core of my work is how people can bring their best to the world.

Over the past few decades, I have observed something remarkable. Our awareness of the ecological situation and the limits of our lifestyles has grown, and we have done much to change it. But it doesn’t pay off. Instead, our self-inflicted ecological and social destruction grew as well. By looking more closely, I understood that these two dynamics were interrelated. So I asked myself: Why are we, as a species, incapable of solving the existential challenge we face?

Living the answer, I explored the intersection between inner growth and outer transformation. I researched spirituality, consciousness, language, brain science, developmental psychology, history, and social and political organization. I realized that three aspects are strongly interconnected: our consciousness, our impact on transforming the society around us, and how consciousness and society shape each other. As humans, we define how we develop and grow. We can lead ourselves into a trap where humans and nature deteriorate in parallel. Or we can take a path where both, we humans and nature can grow and evolve. It’s either or. And it’s up to us to switch from decline to growth. But for us to realize this, we need to change ourselves fundamentally. Every outer transformation begins with and requires an inner quest.

on unfamiliar ground

That's where I started on unfamiliar ground, with these insights and how they will help us transform ourselves and our societies. While I am still trying to answer my initial questions, I hope to find others to take us further. The path is in the questions, not in the answers. We need to open up. We need to acknowledge that we don't know. Then, we find the wisdom to navigate us through these times. That's why on unfamiliar ground is an open endeavor in uncharted territory. Its purpose is to outline our possibilities and help us realize them.

As a facilitator, I create open and safe spaces for people to think, rethink, and explore. I create places where everyone can appreciate different perspectives and find the eagle spot to uncover the dynamics between thinking, perceiving, creating, and acting. It's my goal that everyone can fundamentally change their world. You can think of on unfamiliar ground as such a space, and I invite you to think of it as your own space, which you will equally shape.
So here we are together. And if you want to work with me, reach out. I'm happy to listen and talk to you!

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Take the chance to rebuild our societies by eexploring the connection between inner growth and outer transformation, go beyond your limits and change the world.